Kirsty Lorenz

2nd– 6th June was spent working with Mark Jenkins, a film maker based in Orkney. I was collaborating with him to create short films of wild flowers in Orkney, from which I created posies for my ‘Votive Offerings’ project. Orkney is a beautiful place and we visited Hoy as well as the main Island in search of flowers to film. We had excellent weather that created fantastic light for filming, and brought the flowers out. We filmed a huge range of flowers including Vetch, Sea Pinks, Dog Violet, Mayweed, Silverweed, Speedwell, Ladies Slipper and Sea Squill.



Kirsty Lorenz

The highlight of this adventure was finding this Primula Scotica at Yesnaby. A special thanks goes to my friend Photographer Rebecca Marr who located it for us. This is a tiny and rare flower only found in Orkney and a couple of other locations at the top of Scotland. It is thought to be indigenous to the area. Far too rare to pick, we filmed the flower in situ and I shall be painting a fictitious posy that includes this majestic tiny flower.

I am making these films to include in installations alongside paintings of posies, accompanied by the sounds of the birds and insects, waves and wind,  as part of my ongoing ‘Votive Offerings’ project.



Kirsty Lorenz